What is Development Exit Finance?

A Development Exit loan is a type of bridging loan that allows developers to quickly repay their existing development loan and raise capital without the need to wait for the underlying development sales or longer-term refinancing to complete.

A Development Exit can be used once construction has been completed, the scheme has reached practical completion, and building warranties and building control sign-off are in place.

We offer loans up to 75% loan to value (LTV and inclusive of interest and fees), with terms up to 12 months.

For more information, visit our Development Exit Finance page and our Development Exit FAQs.

How can I apply for a Development Exit loan?

To apply, call us on 0207 459 4562 or email us at contact@teloscapital.co.

If your loan meets our lending criteria, we will start the application process. For more information about this process, see our Bridging Loan Application Process.


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