How To Use Our Bridging Finance Calculator
Input the estimated value of the security property or properties.
Total Security Value (£)
Input how much you would like to borrow. You can select to do this in one of two ways:
Percentage Gross Loan To Value (LTV). Input how much you would like to borrow as a percentage of the Total Security Value. Note we lend a maximum of 75% LTV. The Gross Loan is the total loan prior to any interest and fee deductions.
Net Loan. Input how much you would like to borrow net of interest and fees. The Net Loan is the amount you will receive when the loan completes.
Funds Required (% / £)
Input Telos Capital’s Interest Rate / Month. Our interest rates start from 0.85% / month.
Interest Rate / Month (%)
Input Telos Capital’s Arrangement Fee. We charge between 1% and 2%. This is calculated on the Gross Loan.
Telos Capital Arrangement Fee (%)
If you are working with a Broker input your Brokers Fee. Brokers can charge between 1% and 2%. This is calculated on the Gross Loan. If you’re not working with a Broker you can leave this blank.
Broker Fee (%)
Input how the number of months interest Telos Capital will deduct from the gross loan advance.
Retained interest (months)
Our Bridging Loan Calculator will output indicative terms.
How can you apply?
Please contact the team to see if we can make this deal work for you, call us on 0207 459 4562 or email us at
If your loan meets our lending criteria, we will start the application process. For more information about this process, see our Bridging Loan Application Process.